Thursday, September 13, 2007

Quick Update...

Not much going on today. Woke up and I felt the need to get clothing for Isabella. So I went to a garage sale that I knew was going on. Got a boxful of clothing for $10.00 and even though some of them have stains - I feel 100000 times better!

Adam is already struggling with his spelling. That is really one of his downfalls - as it was Kyle's as well at this age.

Kyle is already struggling with getting the homework home. That always is a downfall. I wish he would just have motivation to do this stuff. It is so frustrating.

Working on making dinner right now and wishing the night was over already. I am just exhausted right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can remember many years ago when I was newly divorced and crying all the time (thankfully we didn't have children together so it was a clean break, but devastating nonetheless)...I was dirt poor (after ten years of being quite well off) and my mom would say...go shopping...even if all that you spend is 50 cents on a will make you feel much better...and it always did...retail therapy...gotta love it! Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.