Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Day After Halloween....

It was a rainy night last night. It started to sprinkle as we went outside - go figure. Then it started to get really windy. We still went trick or treating though.

We didn't make it through the whole neighborhood as they had planned. After about a hour and 15 minutes of walking Adam's feet were hurting and Kyle was tired of doing it as well. So we left.

I broke my umbrella. Actually the wind broke my umbrella. I cut myself on it. At least I was able to get it to stop bleeding. Darn blood thinners!

Below are some pictures of the boys on Halloween. I am going to be picture happy for a while now.

Ninja Adam

Deathman Kyle

Adam with his pumpkin and bag of candy after we got home.

Kyle with his pumpkin and bag of candy after we got home.

Kyle and Adam after we got home. Yes I have taught my children to not play with guns and knives and swords. You can see how well they have learned.

Finally got a really good smile out of Adam. Only to have Kyle in the background being a ham as usual!


samurai said...

That looked like a lot of fun!

I had a similar experience last night as well. Glad to hear you all are home safe and sound.

One Scrappy Gal said...

We didn't do the whole neighborhood either. Only two blocks. The wind was picking up and the children were turning into icicles. We all had fun though. :)

Susan said...

Looks like they had a great time. Love the photos...

