Friday, November 9, 2007

Pregnancy Update

32 Weeks and 5 days

I was big there - measuring about 34 weeks. Not to much bigger but you know - I seem to always measure big.

34 weeks and 0 days

I am big here - measuring about 36 weeks.

On the plus side of things - okay so these are going to be a huge stretch so bare with me (trying to have that positive thinking thing going on here) - I am dilating and thinning out.

I have been having real contractions - not the braxton hicks kind. They start in the back and work their way up front. I have one of those every couple of hours. So really they are not so close but I do know if I am having two every hour - they are gonna stick me in the hospital and induce me.

The doctors will not stop my labor right now if I do go naturally. I have had to much going on for them to stop it. Isabella would just be in NICU for a couple of weeks at this point.

I don't expect that I will be going anytime soon but you just never know.

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