Monday, August 6, 2007

As Expected...

As I expected he "tabled" the whole thing I put on paper expect for the visitation and what I offered was not good enough for him...

So to be honest I didn't even read the whole thing.

I told him that visitation was to stay as I outlined last week and if he did not remember what that was I would reiterate that for him.

If he was not satisfied with what he has now he needed to contact his lawyer and we needed to go to court for the judge to decide.

I am done. I am not going to be divorced for a long time. He is not willing to do anything unless it is on his terms and his terms are not acceptable to me.

He is saying things to Adam and Kyle (when Kyle goes) and they are not appropriate and it is turning the boys against me. I most days am beaten down because it is so draining dealing with all this.

We were supposed to go to court in May and it was put off and now until we agree on visitation he won't talk about anything.

It is his way of once again having control over me and my life. It just kills me.

I always want to believe he has changed but the truth is he doesn't. He can say he does till he is blue in the face but his actions show more than his words ever will.

The bad thing is - he is now manipulating the boys and Adam isn't Adam when he comes home. I hate watching it but what can I do about it.

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