Monday, August 6, 2007


I am looking for solutions to things in my life. Things have been difficult with the pending divorce and never moving anywhere.

Todd is more than happy with nothing moving forward and in many aspects alienating the boys against me. It kills me. I find myself opening my mouth then about things that do not concern them and then I kick myself.

I am really good at saying, "These things are not appropriate for us to be talking about. It is between your dad (or Todd) and I" but lately the more and more that is said - the less and less I am saying that. I get mad at myself then for being so darn baited like that.

I do not know if I told anyone but I changed the visitation schedule. It did not make Todd happy at all but in all honesty he has to comply since there is nothing on record with the courts for visitation.

So we both have things we want and need right now. I want to be able to help us both out. I sent him a message and I am hoping to hear from him soon about it.

I am thinking in the end he is not going to agree to it but I would like to keep the possibilities open for it to happen. It won't get my credit cards or lawyer bill paid off like what was hoped for when all of this started but I am doing my best to pay Ken what is owed to him at this point in time. Yet it would solve a housing dilemma at this point in time (I am thinking).

I am tired of this all dragging on. Please pray for resolution.

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