Friday, August 24, 2007

Mediation Update...

I posted this yesterday but it didn't show up for some reason... So trying again!

Okay - so things went okay and not so okay yesterday...I gave and gave and gave. Todd not so much.

Every time I would give more time and then ask for something in return - he would be like when is that time being made up and so on. Anytime I would ask for something - he would be stubborn and I did at one point break down in tears...

He was very contradicting with things he was saying. In the end the only thing that was truly decided upon was visitation. He ended up with 150 overnights and so I have lost child support because those are just the "regular" days he will have him and with the holidays and special days through the year - he has him more than 50% of the time.


We didn't really decide upon the house other than it needs to be sold. Everything else - pretty much still up in the air. So my guess is we will have to go through another one. I wonder why I always seem to give in and get nothing in return. I at times feel like this doormat...

Please keep praying that he opens his mind to the things that are left to discuss and go through. He wasn't open with anything when it came to visitation to be honest. I felt like I was just giving in to get it over with...

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