Thursday, July 5, 2007

God Never Gives More Than You Can Handle....

When I hear this statement I cringe. I tend to not get into debates with people over this because I don't know the Bible all that well. Yet I know that statement is NEVER found in the Bible!

God never allows more to happen in your life than He can handle. God allows situations to happen so that you are broken down and have no choice but to cry out and totally rely upon Him.

If God never gave us more than we could handle - what would we need Him for?

I really think it is sad to watch parents teach children that God never gives you more than you can handle because that gives them the wrong ideas about what God will allow. Since what we think we can handle and what God allows to happen will never be the same thing. Why give them a false impression about what God allows in peoples lives?

The sad thing right now is that I am not totally broken. You would think with everything that goes on in my life and how stressed I am - I would be at the bottom and unable to get up without His help and yet I just keep on standing up and getting knocked back down.

I have been trying to focus on why I am like this. I have been trying to work through the fact that I don't/can't depend upon myself fully. Hopefully someday soon - I will get there...

1 comment:

samurai said...

Those are some deep and thought provoking points. I like how you explain why that statement makes you cringe. It's not that God is not there, but in that it can make poeple lean more on themselves, than on God.

The verse that all of this is based off of is:

1 Cor 10:13 (ESV)
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

I like this verse because it helps me remember that God does indeed not give me more than I can handle, but it is not because there is something within me that allows me to handle the burden, but that it proves that His hand is there holding me. That I will not get overwhelmed by the things that He has allowed to come into my life. And that He is using the events to strengthen me and to conform me into the image of His Son... which is what we are all in the process of.

Praying for you...