Friday, October 5, 2007


How do you not allow the past to affect your future? I have huge trust issues with people; mainly men.

Now when I look back over my past I get why I have a trust issue. Yet it completely affects my future....

"Either trust me fully or do not trust me at all"
This was said to me recently. I have been thinking it over. I want to trust this person. I long to trust this person. Yet I sit and find myself waiting for the other shoe to fall!
I am getting better - I think... Yet I still have this fear that follows me over certain things... I need to figure out how to move beyond that...


samurai said...

Trust is one of those things that is easy to say... but hard to do.

I know there are times when I do not fully trust the only One in the universe you should be able to completely.

It is a consious effort - daily. May God grant you the grace to do this, daily. And may it just grow and grow.


Mommy2JL said...

My rule of thumb is to trust them until they prove to me I can't.

Hard, after getting so hurt, so many times, but it's the only way I find I can protect future relationships and friendships.