Monday, May 12, 2008

Am I a Blogger or Not?!

I love to write. I love to blog. I need to get things out to work things out. I am someone who must put it down in order to really sort through it.

So why did I stop blogging?

I seem to live in fear. Fear of saying things, fear of doing things, fear of what will happen if I speak my mind.

Where did all of this come from? How did I become this person living like this?

So for me - I want to get back to blogging. Life has it ups and downs and for me - to work through them - I need to write...

So keep your eyes open because Blogging Amy is back (I hope)...


samurai said...

Praying for you... so that He will show you your voice again

Sheri said...

I so understand this! Hope things work out and you will be back to blogging. :)