Monday, April 28, 2008

Where is my Voice?

How do you find your voice when you are scared of someone? Even after being gone for all this time (20 months).

He called this morning and instantly I started to shake and get sick to my stomach.

We are supposed to be having parenting time coordination this week and he will get what he wants because I am so afraid of the repercussions of speaking out.

I have given in on everything. Maybe I haven't really - maybe that is just my perception of the way it has been. I really don't know anymore.

When I look back though - I have given in. I am just hurting inside because of the stress all of this has caused in my life.

I have rosacea. I hate being in public because of how I look. It gets worse anytime I have to deal with him. Anytime I get stressed over this. I don't want to do anything because of how I look. I make plans and then look at myself and cancel them.

When I look back - maybe it wasn't so bad. Maybe what I felt was abuse really isn't abuse. This part of it is bad - and it is killing me slowly inside.

1 comment:

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Hi, this is my first time here. I came her by way of your comment at Learning for Lifetime. I just feel for all that you are going through, and I hope you feel stronger and that fear leaves you. Also, I have psoriasis, so I know the feeling of a flare up when I get emotional. Wishing blessings on you.