Thursday, January 24, 2008

Game Shows...

Well last night was "The Moment of Truth" show. I missed the beginning of it but I think it was pretty much - you answers so many questions prior to the show on a lie detector. Then when they are on stage so many of the questions are picked and they have to re-answer them.

Now they have family, friends, co-workers that sit there in front of them. Each question gets more and more personal. They have no idea which question is going to be picked from the ones they answered earlier.

Okay - a few people said to me, "Why would you want to go on this show. Can you imagine what it does to the relationships of the people on it?"

Here is my questions/thoughts of the day....

How honest are you supposed to be in a relationship?

I am beginning to think that it isn't the rule of thumb. I am beginning to think that no one is honest with their mate.

What would the fear be of going on that show - if you have always been honest with the people in your life? Is honesty now a fault?

I know some don't tell the truth because they don't want to hurt someone or get into a fight or so on... I have heard it all - I have had the excuses myself.

Except recently I decided truth is what matters. I need to be honest 100% with those in my life because if I am not - I might as well just stamp failure on it right now.

Of course some of the things I do - they have consequences; as does everyone.

So is being 100% honest - needed? What do you think?


samurai said...

Wow - that is a pretty touchy area. For me, yes, honesty is always the best policy. Especially with the ones you love. Having said that, I think it is very important to share things in love. If the truth will hurt you need to make sure you have the time to nurture the other person through that pain. Just don't drop the bookcase on their toe and walk away - if you KWIM.

Susan said...

I think the world would suggest that we don't need to be totally honest with those closest to us...but God proves over and over again that it IS the right thing to do.

