Thursday, January 17, 2008


It is probably the lack of sleep I have been getting that makes me over think. Yet at those times things seem to make sense...

Relationships are a tricky thing. Just loving someone does not make it work.

You are allowed to be different, you are allowed to have differences; it is what makes the world go round.

Yet at the same time if your core values, your beliefs are not the same; how can you possible make it work without someone hurting all the time?

My marriage failed. It failed because I changed and he did not. He said he changed but I never saw it. I can't say what was in his heart but when someone changes most see it. You would think the one who loved you would see it.

I am struggling with this now. The person I am in love with - is truly the best thing that has ever walked into my life. He treats me with respect. He helps me on all levels. He really does love me. I just see it.

Yet the one thing I said I would never go without in another relationship - is not there and I don't ever see it being there.


I guess I don't even know right now what the thoughts are fully. I know that how I see some things; he does not.

Here is the thing - I am a sinner. I sin daily. At the same time though there are things that have been instilled in me due to my faith and beliefs and so because of that I end up hurt.

Everyone tells me how lucky I am, how great he is, and it goes on. I do believe that because no one has ever treated me like this before.

So what am I even talking about this for; because what happens when I get hurt down the road because I ignore the one thing I said I would never go without in a relationship?

Maybe I am looking to hard into something that will never happen?

I am a sensitive person and I get hurt by things that people do an say (as does everyone). These things though should be hurtful according to the Lord because they should not happen.

At times I think I blow things out of proportion and then when I am praying/meditating I find I am not. Yet for a person who does not have faith or for a person who does not see their faith like I do - I am blowing things up.

I heard that often while married. You would think I would have learned to run when faith does not match and yet I didn't. I allowed myself to fall in love yet again with someone whose faith does not match mine.

So now what?

I have told him before how I feel but I am sure he just does not understand. It is hard to understand something when you don't believe the same thing.

It is hard to change or want to change when you don't believe there needs to be a change.

So who ends up hurt? Right now I guess that would be me...


samurai said...

Some seriously deep thoughts... while it is important to not be "unequally yoked", it is hard to say what impact you will have on this man's life.

I would encourge you to read John's account about the woman at the well (John 4). The woman was not condemned by Jesus for having multiple husbands, or the fact that the man she was now with was not her husband. BUT He did tell her "...all that [she] ever did".

We must continue to try and do what is reight by Jesus always. But there are times when He will do things that will amaze us - even when we are not so sure it was the right thing to do.

The only thing I can say for sure is... get on your knees in prayer, and ask Him to show you what He has for you in this situation.


Susan said...

You've received good feedback here, Amy. I know that it must be so hard when you can see so many good things in someone...and "only" one thing missing. God knows your heart and he LOVES YOU right where you are...and He loves this man as much.

Pray my friend, pray!!!



P.S. Sorry I haven't been around as much. It's been crazy here. Hope all's well with baby and the boys.