Adam had another weekend with Todd and Kyle was going hunting for the last time up at the farm with my dad. Jack was going to be hunting all weekend.
So what did that leave for me? A weekend all alone. Not that I mind really but they do get old kind of quickly.
This is what actually happened. Jack came over Friday afternoon for about a hour or so; which was so nice. Then he came back on Friday night.
On Saturday he didn't get up in the morning to go hunting and was only gone for a short time to get his hunting stuff for Saturday night. Turned out no one was going hunting Saturday night so we got the whole day together.

We watched a couple of movies with each other. Ocean 13 and Mr. Brooks. Both really good movies but then again I like the Ocean series. Mr. Brooks - I wasn't so sure about that movie but it was good.

We spent the day on the couch together. We watched the Michigan vs. Ohio State football game. Of course Michigan lost.
I worked on laundry.

By the time I went to lay down for the night - I was out for the night (well as out as I can be being 8 months pregnant - that gotta go the bathroom thing is so darn old).
Jack got up early this morning to try and go get a deer once again. Next week is going to be sucky though because I really won't see him. I know everyone needs time away but I miss when I don't see him. I guess if I was around him all the time - him going away would not be such a big deal because I was seeing him all the time. Yet I don't get to see him all the time - I only see him when he shows up. Which has been a lot more lately but it doesn't mean I don't miss him when he is gone.
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