Earlier this week when my computer went down I headed to the library. I sent an email to numerous people and one of those people happened to be Todd about the Christmas vacation Adam has coming up.
Mind you I have been trying to communicate with him since the beginning of October about the time Adam has upcoming. Since I sent that email out - numerous emails have been exchanged and the last email I sent was no where near the high road I have been taking.
What do you do when you are going through a divorce and everyone seems to be on the other persons side; even your own attorney?
I have been doing my best to not have Adam hurting throughout this process and to give Todd time with Adam because of his illness. Yet right now I am struggling with what is best for Adam.
Todd has made the claim that things are getting worse for him. He has claimed his arms are going. He has claimed he can't get out of bed some days. There have been many claims from him and some of them are in email - so I do have them.
So my biggest things right now is this - is Adam safe to be with Todd? If it is hard for him to type up an email - why is he driving? If he can't get out of bed every day - how can he take care of Adam?
I do not want to take away the time he sees Adam; especially if his health is going downhill because Adam needs time with his dad. Yet I am truly leaning towards the fact that he has to have supervised visitation. It does not have to be a court appointed person - he just needs to have someone with him at all times when he has Adam; just in case.
Is that so wrong of me?
Is that so wrong of me?
I have to be Adam's advocate since no one else is going to be. I do not have an advocate. You would think my lawyer was mine but really he has not been much help. He feels sorry for Todd as well and because of that and the fact that I can't pay him right now (so who blames him) he seems to be more on the side of do it yourself and let me know how it goes.
I just have to take things a day at a time right now and that is what I am doing. I am trying to not stress over this stuff but it just isn't working all that well. Even after being gone for 15 months he is still controlling me; I just hope he doesn't see it (but he probably does).
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