The ultrasound was amazing. We were not at a machine that had the ability to the do the 3-D today. It was kind of disappointing and yet at the same time - just seeing her is amazing. She weights exactly 5 pounds today (33 weeks and 4 days). She was at the 48% for her weight. Although this is about the time that diabetic babies pack on the pounds - so she could easily shoot up the charts for her weight! I am going to attach a couple of ultrasound pics from today at the bottom of the post - as well as some from the last ultrasound that was about a month ago. She has gained almost 2 full pounds in the last month! At the last ultrasound she was at 3 pounds 2 ounces. YIKES!
Her mouth was going like crazy today as well! Her tongue was in and out of her mouth like mad. It was so cute to see. She was also practicing her breathing today. It was awesome to see! We also got to see her blink. Oh seeing all of this going on inside of me is just amazing!!!!
The NST went well today. Seemed to take forever but in the end I know it is worth it.
The visit with the OB went okay. We talked about when I go into the hospital and what will need to be done. He wants to put me on heparin about 6 to 12 hours after she is born because if I start to bleed to much - it is short acting and they can deal with that. I will have to have compression leg things on me while I am off the heparin until I am at therapeutic levels again. What fun.
Overall - today the visit went well! I am much happier than I thought I was going to be. Not sure why I thought I would not be happy but was just worried things would be blah when I left there.

This is the second shot of her blinking. This was taken today! It was so cool seeing her blink!
This is her ear!
Jack kept on saying he was sure she didn't have ears because we never saw them. So the tech took a picture for him. This was taken on 10/09/07.

I love the new pictures. It's just so neat.
I always love looking at ultrasound photos!! :)
Are the boys excited to be having a baby sister?
The boys are excited to be having a baby sister. Although they both seem to think they will make her into a tomboy. I just keep on telling them she is what she is...
She is just beautiful!!!!! Congratulations!!!! And I'm so glad to have found your new spot. ;)
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