Is it ever going to be final?
I sent my lawyer an email a few days ago asking some questions. He got back to me yesterday about it.
He also contacted Todd's attorney to speak with her. Of course we are still stuck on the whole, "We can't move forward until I met with Todd's mom and that is scheduled for the beginning of December."
Well here is my question - he is 37 years old and the logic from his parents is that with his current health situation he is unable to make the decisions that need to be made for this divorce because of the other stress in his life.
Yet their biggest contention over this divorce is the fact that Todd is not getting enough time with Adam. Umm - let me get this straight here - he is not in the correct mental state to make decisions about his own divorce but he is in the correct mental state to be able to care for and make decisions for an 8 year old?
Where is the logic there? Am I missing something? Am I not seeing what they see?
We are supposed to have a review done through friend of the court. I guess that was decided at the last court hearing. Well we went to court over a month ago. Still I find out from my lawyer that the order has not been signed yet. WHAT?
They have 30 days to sign the temp order - it has been over 30 days. Child support has been suspended for over a month now; not that I was getting any but still.
I am beyond frustrated with all of the crap that goes on with this divorce.
I had a friend who said the next time Todd tries to talk to me I should say something like, "I would love to talk to you about this but since you are incapable of making decisions on your own I need to speak with your mom first." Oh man would that piss him off!
1 comment:
Gosh Amy, this must be so frustrating. Hang in there. I'm still praying for you here.
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