When you think about love what do you think about?
When you think about marriage and family what do you think about?
These have been thoughts in my head over the past few days... I had a marriage and it failed for many reasons.
Every show I watch these days seem to have the same thoughts though; marriage, family, relationships.
Last night while flipping through channels I ran across an interview with Seal and his wife Heidi Klum. When asked how they keep their marriage alive the response Seal gave was, "Wife, family and then career". Those are the order of his priorities. He said he has watched to many people including his parents have the wrong relationships, putting the wrong things first and then when they get back to putting their spouse first - there is nothing there anymore. Heidi piped in with one of the favorite things Seal likes to say, "Happy wife, Happy life."
Another thing was they are always together as a family. They are a family. Their marriage/relationship comes first and then the family. Their children see that!
Is your spouse your best friend? Do you always remind yourself they are your best friend? Most people don't want to disappoint or upset their best friend. Yet most people take advantage of their spouses/family. If you always think of your spouse as your best friend you won't take advantage of them.
So how many of us put our spouses first in the relationship we have? How many of us make sure that husband or wife is first and foremost?
We are teaching our children what a marriage should be and if they see us putting them first - that is what they learn. If you are putting all of your effort into your children then how do they know what a normal healthy relationship should be like?
Of course the reality is that most couples put their children first and then the marriage suffers.
In my marriage my husband put our youngest son first. If we were having alone time and he knocked on the door - he was let in even when it wasn't an emergency. I tried to get Todd to understand we needed to come first and his priority was making sure Adam knew we were there for him; even if we suffered.
Where do you draw the boundary lines? How do you take a marriage that is on the wrong track and put it on the right track? What do you do when your ideas and your spouses ideas of how the relationship should be going isn't the same?
God - look to Him
Spouse - show them they are the first priority in their life
Family - do all you can with your children and spouse
Career - make sure this isn't what runs your life...
A very thoughtful post today...
Thank you...
Amen and amen.
I continue to struggle with putting my husband first (after our Lord)....some weeks I do really well and other weeks not so good. However, at least I know what works and what doesn't...you would think this would motivate me to do what works more often ;)
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