Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Amazing how many things go through ones head.

Everything that was needed for the apartment on my part is done. I am waiting now on the credit report and bank report. Then Sandy will pass the information onto the manager and I will either get a letter if denied or a phone call if approved. I should have gotten either one by the end of next week. Please pray...

I start my new job next week Monday. I have to be there at 8:30 and I will be working until 2:30. This is a perfect time for me the only thing is; I forgot when setting this up that - I can do these hours when we have our apartment because Adam will be riding the bus then. Well I am gonna have to ask Linds if maybe she can take Adam to school or help out some... I know they are flexible there but I just started and don't want to have to ask if I can change the schedule I just set up.

I was driving today and looking at the leaves on the trees. We are entering into a new season here. It is becoming Autumn and it is so pretty.

We have seasons here: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. No matter where you live you have the seasons. Of course they may not be as extreme in other places but you still have the seasons.

We have seasons in our life as well. How do you make it through those seasons and how long do they last? We of course don't know the but Lord knows!

The hardest season for me to get through is winter. We are coming to winter in real life right now and my life is sort of in a winter season as well. Ironic; well not really.... You want to know the wonder of winter though? When you look around during the winter; all the trees look dead. There are no flowers. You can't see the grass. Sometimes you don't see the sun for days. Yet it is all still there and it all comes back to life.

I am praying my winter brings upon the spring and the new life grows and grows!

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