This year they came to me with the change. I was MORE than happy to agree to the changes they wanted to make! They added EI to the OHI and that adds more help to him. It isn't just a "learning" disability anymore. They have to help him when he struggles; they have to be more accommodating. It does not excuse things; it does not make excuses for him but it helps the teachers understand that there are more issues than just the ADD issue.
Thank goodness for him working with the same people over the past 3 years to finally be able to bring about this change for him!

I am not going to want to haul a newborn out to go Christmas shopping in December. Then having to come home and haul everything into the house. Then having to wrap it all still. YUCK!
I am more than happy to get it all done and over with PRIOR to her getting here! I have kind of decided that what I get done by the time she gets here is what is going to be done. Unless of course one of the boy's big presents is not purchased yet - then I will have to go and get that; or beg Jack to do it for me.
I am even going to get the books bought for the boys at this point in time. They get a new book or set of books each Christmas. I am still going to have some left over and so I am going to buy them out of this book order at school. So I will actually have 3 things purchased! Since they are not getting that much this year - having 3 things purchased by the end of September makes me feel 80% better than I did a few days ago.
Of course I am still stressed out about the whole Christmas situation this year but that is nothing I am not used to. It happens each year actually so you would think by this time I would be a pro at sucking at this part of the year!
Sounds like you're doing well planning ahead. I am continuing to pray for you and your family.
:-) Susan Christmas present already purchased!! Good for you. We made a family pack two seasons ago to not buy any gifts except for the kids. This helped relieve much of the expense during Christmas considering that there is only my daughter and my nephew to buy for ;)Some in the family were not crazy about this new 'rule' but they all have respected it.
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